Registration & Costs


Registration is open!

We ask all interested parties to complete the linked poll and submit it at the end. Completion of the poll is a mandatory prerequisite for being considered in the further registration process.

After completing the form, you should receive a confirmation email with your details. Subsequently we will contact you.

If you would like to make changes after submitting your answers, please also send us an e-mail.

If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to and we will answer your questions soon.

25. October 2024 – End of registration period

15. November 2024 – First payment is due (50 % of the total price)

15. December 2024 – Deadline for reducing the number of participants free of charge

15. January 2025 – Final Payment is due


The cost will be 205 euros per participant. Faculty Advisors have to pay a slightly higher price.

The costs include accommodation and meals.

Accommodation: Participants stay overnight in group rooms. The rooms will be allocated in consultation with the groups. Single rooms are provided for faculties.

Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee break. With the exception of the day of arrival (dinner only) and the day of departure (breakfast and lunch only).

Further information will follow shortly.

Accommodation and Conference Venue

Accommodation is available for every conference participant at the conference venue, the Jugendherberge Berlin-Am Wannsee.

For more information visit the Location & Rules page.